There is a type of WordPress malware that registers fraudulent e-commerce site pages in Google search results without permission. We will explain whether (and when) such malicious search results disappear after the malware is removed.

Malware that registers fake products or pages in Google search results

This type of malware alters the WordPress sitemap or actually generates a malicious page in the server, registers that page in Google search results without permission, and contaminates the site’s search results.

If malicious search results are registered and the destination is the same as your site’s domain, it is almost certain that your WordPress site has been tampered with.

WordPress Site Malware Removal

If Google search results are contaminated, malware search disinfection and vulnerability measures (security measures) are required.
If sitemap rewriting programs or malicious pages are hosted on the server, we will need to remove all such pages from the server.

If you would like to try a plugin that can do this easily and with high accuracy, please try it.
Free WordPress:Malware Scanning & Security Plugin [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal].

If the malicious search results do not disappear after malware removal

First, please check if the malware has really been removed by clicking on the malicious search result.

If the page to which the malicious search result jumps does not exist (404), or if your legitimate page is displayed, the removal has been successful.

Also, check if the sitemap is not contaminated by accessing the sitemap page below.

https://Your WordPress URL/sitemap.xml

When are malicious search results erased from search engines after malware removal?

The malicious search result pages will disappear only after search engines such as Google* crawl your site again and confirm that the malicious pages do not exist (404 page is displayed) and that they have been replaced by legitimate pages.
This time depends on how often search engines crawl your site.

Crawling is the process by which search engine robots patrol a Web site, read HTML files and other information, and register Web pages in their databases for display in search results.

In our experience, most of the pages disappear within a month, but some pages may remain.
It is possible to submit a request for re-registration of the sitemap or deletion of invalid pages from Google Search Console, but the search engines are responsible for the processing time, and it often takes a certain amount of time to complete this process.

Therefore, you will have to be patient and wait until the incorrect page disappears from the search engine results.