Tag: WordPress injection Page 1/2

WordPress content injection case study, online casino site operating on its own server

WordPress content injection case study, online casino site operating on its own server

Here is a case study of a WordPress content injection that caused an online casino site to operate on its own server.

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What is an injection attack in which malicious content is inserted into a WordPress page?

What is an injection attack in which malicious content is inserted into a WordPress page?

This section describes injection attacks in which malicious content is inserted into WordPress pages.

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The 3 most targeted and most dangerous vulnerabilities in WordPress

The 3 most targeted and most dangerous vulnerabilities in WordPress

The following are the three vulnerabilities that are most likely to be exploited if discovered on a WordPress site. If your site contains any plug-ins or other components that are vulnerable to these vulnerabilities, we recommend that you take action as soon as possible.

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What are the essential features of the WordPress security plugin?

What are the essential features of the WordPress security plugin?

This section describes the features that should be implemented in the WordPress security plugin.

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Glossary of common vulnerability attacks in WordPress

Glossary of common vulnerability attacks in WordPress

This is a brief glossary of common vulnerability attacks on WordPress.

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Sitemap Injection, which registers incorrect pages in Google's search results without permission, and how to deal with it.

Sitemap Injection, which registers incorrect pages in Google’s search results without permission, and how to deal with it.

Learn about sitemap injection, which can register incorrect pages from your WordPress site in Google’s search results without your permission, and how to deal with it.

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Can WordPress malware infect database data?

Can WordPress malware infect database data?

We will explain how an infection (tampering) with the WordPress database can cause the files on the site (server) to be tampered with.

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Change WordPress database prefix to prevent SQL injection

Change WordPress database prefix to prevent SQL injection

You can reduce the chances of a successful SQL injection by changing the prefix of your WordPress database. We will explain how to do this.

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How to find JAVASCRIPT Injection in WordPress

How to find JAVASCRIPT Injection in WordPress

If your WordPress site has been hacked and you think you have removed the tampering, but the site still redirects (forcibly) to another site, the malformed JAVASCRIPT code may still be there somewhere.

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PHP programming to prevent SQL injection in WordPress

PHP programming to prevent SQL injection in WordPress

Here is a small PHP programming trick to prevent SQL injection in WordPress.

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What is a WordPress injection attack?

What is a WordPress injection attack?

There are various methods by which WordPress can be hacked, the most common of which is called an injection attack. This section describes these injection attacks.

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Benefits and How to Change the Database Prefix (wp_) in WordPress

Benefits and How to Change the Database Prefix (wp_) in WordPress

A prefix is a common prefix used for table names in the WordPress database. We will explain the benefits of changing this and how to do so.

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WordPress security, prevent SQL injection with HTACCESS

WordPress security, prevent SQL injection with HTACCESS

We will explain how to prevent SQL injection to improve WordPress security.

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10 security-related terms that WordPress operators should know

10 security-related terms that WordPress operators should know

Operating WordPress requires some knowledge of security-related issues. This section will explain some commonly used security-related terms.

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What are program vulnerabilities in WordPress?

What are program vulnerabilities in WordPress?

WordPress and plugins require updates to close vulnerabilities, but we will explain the most dangerous types of vulnerabilities.

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Can the WordPress database be tampered with or infected by malware?

Can the WordPress database be tampered with or infected by malware?

Most WordPress malware and tampering is done to program files, and only rarely is the database tampered with. However, when a database tampering vulnerability is found in a very popular plugin, database tampering (known as SQL injection) hacking can become an epidemic.

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What are the symptoms of a WordPress hack? Here are some of the tampering details of various hackers.

What are the symptoms of a WordPress hack? Here are some of the tampering details of various hackers.

1 Back door Vulnerabilities, known as backdoors, allow hackers to install hidden entry points on your site to gain access to your WordPress site through the misuse of server privileges. Once the backdoor is exploited, the hacker can access or rewrite all files on the hosting serv

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Learn how hackers rewrite (alter) files on your WordPress site to increase security!

Learn how hackers rewrite (alter) files on your WordPress site to increase security!

As convenience and site functionality increases with the improved capabilities of programs on servers, not just WordPress, tampering with files on servers has become a major problem. In this article, we will explain how hackers rewrite WordPress files and consider ways to improve

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