Is it possible for malware to delete folders and files on a WordPress site? We would like to explain this.

WordPress malware is basically never active enough to erase legitimate files.

The most common malicious activities of WordPress malware are as follows

Forcibly redirecting users to malicious sites
Displaying malicious advertisements
Registering fraudulent pages in search engines
Stealing credit card or login information from the above fraudulent pages
Forcing users to download malicious software

These activities target users who visit the site and become ineffective if the site is not displayed.

For this reason, hackers basically do not try to break the site’s display functionality or erase files to cause errors on the site. (An error would also make the site operator immediately suspect a malware infection.)

Malware can break the site display or cause fatal errors.

However, in some cases, the hacker’s skill may be sloppy or the malware code may be of low quality, causing errors or loss of files that are not the hacker’s intention.

Therefore, if a malware infection causes a site to malfunction, fatal errors, or lost files, it is most likely due to low-quality malware code or poor hacker skills.

What to do if malware causes errors on your site

If malware causes errors on your site, or if your site fails to display properly, here is what you can do.

  • Eliminate the malware
  • If there are multiple sites on the server, it is recommended that all sites on the server be scanned for malware, as they may have been infected by other sites.
  • Repair missing files, etc. (backup and download legitimate files and repair them manually)
  • Apply security measures to the site.
  • Verify site display and operation

These tasks often require specialized knowledge, and we recommend that you consult with a specialist if you suspect that the site errors caused by malware cannot be resolved.