Here is a case study of a WordPress content injection that caused an online casino site to operate on its own server.

What is content injection?

Content injection is the embedding of content on the server that is not intended by the operator.
In the case of our malware removal service, over 7,000 online casino introduction pages were hosted in the folder “online-casino” on the initial domain of the X server.
online-casino folder of the initial X server domain, more than 7,000 online casino introduction pages were hosted without permission.

Why and how do hackers perform content injection?

The embedding of malicious content from the online casino in this case may be to hook it into the search engines and improve the SEO of the site, which is the hacker’s intention, or to embed this content in another malicious site or in spam emails to hide who is creating and hosting the content. or to embed this content in another rogue site or in a spam email to hide who is creating and hosting the content.

In our customer’s case, content injection was performed on the initial domain of the X server, but there were no other files in the initial domain folder of the X server.
This means that there is another malware body (backdoor) embedded in the folders of other sites on the server that can write to the server-wide folder.

Malware (backdoors) in all site folders on the server need to be removed and vulnerabilities addressed.

Many of today’s malware reads the folder structure of all sites hosted on the server to spread infection, perform content injection, etc.

For this reason, if any site on the server shows symptoms of malware, we recommend that you remove the malware from all WordPress sites hosted on the server and take measures to prevent vulnerabilities.

Free WordPress:Malware Scan & Security Plugin [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal].

What happens if I leave my site infected with malware?

If left unchecked, malware infection can result in the aforementioned content injection contaminating search results, preventing users from reaching your site, a large amount of malware from low-quality programs being embedded in your site, rendering your site unviewable, or your domain becoming a springboard for spam emails so that your It can also be a stepping stone for spammers, causing your domain’s email address to be blocked by spam filters, or even worse, users can be misdirected to another site and suffer actual damage.

We recommend that all sites on the server be cleaned of malware and secured as soon as possible.