ContactForm7 is a plugin for creating contact forms created by Japanese people, which is the most popular plugin for WordPress. However, recently, the problem of spam mail being sent via this plugin’s forms has prompted many sites to introduce captcha on servers such as and Lolipop We understand that there are many sites that have been urged to install captcha on their servers.

We have seen some sites on’s servers that have not installed captcha and have had the email sending itself stopped, so we will explain how to install captcha in ContactForm7.

What is a captcha to prevent spam?

Spam is mail that is sent without permission and is unwanted by the recipient, including advertisements, etc. If the auto-reply feature of ContactForm7 is enabled, it is also possible for hackers to use that form automatically and send it mechanically.

Capture is a mechanism to suppress the above mechanical spam submissions by randomly displaying a quiz that only humans can understand that a human is accessing the site, or by determining that it is a human based on mouse movements on the site.

Introduce a captcha in ContactForm7 that only appears on that page.

ContactForm7 comes with a feature called Integration to easily introduce Google’s ReCaptcha captcha.

To install Google reCAPTCHA, simply login to Google reCAPTCHA, register your site, issue a key, and enter it in the “Site Key” and “Secret Key” fields.

Google ReCaptcha

However, ContactForm7’s captcha feature is designed to be displayed on all pages, so a captcha snippet like the one shown below will appear in the lower right corner of other pages.

There is a way to display it only on the contact form page, so please refer to the following.

Display ContactForm7 captcha only on the contact form page