This section describes the types of passwords that should not be used in WordPress.

What happens if I use a weak password in WordPress?

WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS (Content Management System), which means that the login screen access method and the flow of login data are common to a great many sites.

This means that hackers can use hacking tools to access the login screen of one WordPress site after another, attempting to login with tens of thousands of commonly used passwords to find out the administrator’s password.

In other words, using a weak password increases the likelihood that a hacker with WordPress administrator privileges will be able to successfully log in and deface the site.

What are some weak types of passwords that should not be used in WordPress?

If you are using any of the following types of passwords, change them once as soon as possible.

1 Passwords that contain English words or other meaningful strings of characters

2 Passwords that contain only numbers

3 Passwords with only single-byte alphanumeric characters

4 Passwords with few characters (less than 12)

5 Passwords that contain a string of characters common to the login ID

6 Meaningful words Passwords with only numbers

7 Passwords with many repeating characters

8 Passwords that are random strings but have already been leaked

Check the security of your passwords

You can find out how long your password can be hacked at How Secure Is My Password?
It is recommended that you do not enter any passwords that you really use, as there is a possibility that your password will be compromised via this site.

For example, the password yrhfujtik, which consists only of letters, can be hacked in only 2 minutes.

How to create strong user passwords in WordPress

WordPress has an excellent password generation feature.
From the WordPress user list and the Edit User screen, use the WordPress password generation feature to generate a password.

By the way, using this password, we checked the strength of the password and found that it would take 10 to the 27th power of 10 years to hack this password.

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