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WordPress Rarely, a redirect hack that sends the site to another site only from Google search results.

WordPress Rarely, a redirect hack that sends the site to another site only from Google search results.

This section describes a redirect hack that forces WordPress to go to a different rogue site only in rare cases (some patterns say only on smartphones) when jumping from search engine results, and explains how to deal with it.

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Is it dangerous to install PHPMYADMIN in the same folder as WordPress?

Is it dangerous to install PHPMYADMIN in the same folder as WordPress?

phpMyAdmin is a widely used database management system that allows you to view your database and make all possible edits and modifications in your browser, but it can cause security problems if it is installed in the folder where WordPress is installed. We will explain the reason

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Redirect hack that takes you to another site when you click on a link on a WordPress site.

Redirect hack that takes you to another site when you click on a link on a WordPress site.

A redirect hack is a type of tampering in which a hacker alters site data or theme files to force users to go to a page that the hacker wants them to go to instead of the page they originally wanted to see. The following is an explanation of a common example of a redirect hack, i

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Can the WordPress database be tampered with or infected by malware?

Can the WordPress database be tampered with or infected by malware?

Most WordPress malware and tampering is done to program files, and only rarely is the database tampered with. However, when a database tampering vulnerability is found in a very popular plugin, database tampering (known as SQL injection) hacking can become an epidemic.

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How to remove WordPress malware (tampering and viruses) with plugins

How to remove WordPress malware (tampering and viruses) with plugins

We will explain how to decontaminate malware using the WordPress:Malware Scan & Security plugin [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal], which was created by WordPress Doctor based on his experience with numerous malware removal requests.

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More attacks against vulnerabilities in the plugin Duplicator

More attacks against vulnerabilities in the plugin Duplicator

Duplicator, a plugin deployed on millions of sites that allows users to migrate, copy, move, clone, and create backups of WordPress sites, is vulnerable in versions 1.3.26 and below.

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What is a WordPress Vulnerability? Explanation of PHP Program Vulnerabilities

What is a WordPress Vulnerability? Explanation of PHP Program Vulnerabilities

What are the vulnerabilities that are often mentioned when a WordPress site is tampered with or infected with malware (viruses)? In this article, we will discuss program vulnerabilities.

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What to do when multiple (or all) sites on a single server are infected with malware

What to do when multiple (or all) sites on a single server are infected with malware

We are seeing an increasing number of cases of multiple WordPress sites on multiple domains within a single server, all or many of which are infected with malware (viruses and tampering).

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WordPress index.php malware (virus) infection case

WordPress index.php malware (virus) infection case

If you find the following code in some index.php files included in your WordPress site, you are infected with malware and should be careful.

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Block WordPress hacker attacks in real time (before the attack is completed)

Block WordPress hacker attacks in real time (before the attack is completed)

What is the Malware Scan & Security Plug-in Real-time Block function? WordPress Doctor researches and databases what kind of attacks hackers are launching against WordPress on a daily basis. For example, as of May 2021, the following attacks are the most common attacks that W

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What are the symptoms of a WordPress hack? Here are some of the tampering details of various hackers.

What are the symptoms of a WordPress hack? Here are some of the tampering details of various hackers.

1 Back door Vulnerabilities, known as backdoors, allow hackers to install hidden entry points on your site to gain access to your WordPress site through the misuse of server privileges. Once the backdoor is exploited, the hacker can access or rewrite all files on the hosting serv

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5 signs that your WordPress site has been hacked or defaced

5 signs that your WordPress site has been hacked or defaced

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of SEO hacks, a type of site tampering that is difficult to recognize as tampering, rather than hacks or tampering that are easy to understand. In this article, we would like to explain how this type of tampering affects sites.

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WordPress: How the Malware Scan & Security plugin can detect malware with high accuracy.

WordPress: How the Malware Scan & Security plugin can detect malware with high accuracy.

The following is a partial introduction to the highly accurate malware detection mechanism in the [Free] WordPress: Malware Scanning & Security Plug-in [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal] released by WordPress Doctor.

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WordPress malware, a case study included in Google Tag Manager

WordPress malware, a case study included in Google Tag Manager

Here is an example of an infected Google Tag Manager with symptoms such as a WordPress site redirecting to another site (clicking a button jumps to a different site).

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Log-in-related security measures alone are not enough to prevent WordPress hacking

Log-in-related security measures alone are not enough to prevent WordPress hacking

We understand that many sites have installed various security plug-ins to prevent WordPress hacking, but some plug-ins are specialized for the login screen only. These plug-ins do not provide much protection against WordPress hacking. We will explain why.

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WordPress Causes and Countermeasures when an Unrecognized Page Appears in Search Results

WordPress Causes and Countermeasures when an Unrecognized Page Appears in Search Results

We have recently observed many cases where a product page or a page on our site appears in the search results under the name of your site, which you do not remember. We will explain the causes and countermeasures in this case.

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Reasons for repeated hacker defacement and malware infection on WordPress sites

Reasons for repeated hacker defacement and malware infection on WordPress sites

Once a WordPress site has been defaced by hackers, embedded malware, or infected with a virus, the site may be repeatedly defaced even after you think you have removed the malware. We will explain how to deal with such cases.

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Take a look at the logs of hackers' attacks on WordPress

Take a look at the logs of hackers’ attacks on WordPress

WordPress:Malware Scan & Security Plug-in [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal] has a function to log hacker attacks. We will introduce this feature in this issue.

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