There has been an increase in the number of malware victims, such as WordPress sites that suddenly send you to another site with a certain probability when you click on a link, the link does not work, or a new window opens and an advertisement appears. We will explain this type o
Tag: WordPress javascript
If you have been infected with a type of WordPress malware that embeds malformed JAVASCRIPT code (which causes malformed redirects and other behavior) in a large number of posts, we will explain how to remove this code.
This section describes a type of malware that is spreading to a large number of files on a very large number of sites these days, in which clicking on various elements of a site sends the user to a different malicious site.
The most common type of WordPress tampering today is called SEO hacks (SEO spam), and we will explain examples of SEO hacks and how to deal with them.
Recently there has been an increase in the embedding of JAVASCRIPT-type malware starting with trackmyposs in WordPress core files.
This section describes a redirect hack that forces WordPress to go to a different rogue site only in rare cases (some patterns say only on smartphones) when jumping from search engine results, and explains how to deal with it.
A redirect hack is a type of tampering in which a hacker alters site data or theme files to force users to go to a page that the hacker wants them to go to instead of the page they originally wanted to see. The following is an explanation of a common example of a redirect hack, i
Most WordPress malware and tampering is done to program files, and only rarely is the database tampered with. However, when a database tampering vulnerability is found in a very popular plugin, database tampering (known as SQL injection) hacking can become an epidemic.
We will explain how to decontaminate malware using the WordPress:Malware Scan & Security plugin [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal], which was created by WordPress Doctor based on his experience with numerous malware removal requests.
Recently, there has been an increase in the number of SEO hacks, a type of site tampering that is difficult to recognize as tampering, rather than hacks or tampering that are easy to understand. In this article, we would like to explain how this type of tampering affects sites.
Redirect hacks that cause a site to jump to another site (often a malicious software download, a fake e-commerce site, or a site that makes you click on a robot authentication) are not only tampering with files, but also getting into the database. Here are some examples of databa
OneTone, which has a large number of users in Japan, has a vulnerability that rewrites the database without requiring authentication, and many sites have suffered from redirection hacks.
WordPress Doctor has been recovering sites that have suffered malware tampering, and we would like to explain what kind of redirect hacks (site tampering in which users who access the site are directed to Chinese sites, security sites, etc. without permission) that many sites in
WordPress is the most popular CMS (Content Management System), as it is said that 25% of websites are made with WordPress. Therefore, there is no end to the number of defacements that can be caused by login hacks (brute force attacks on IDs and passwords) through a common mechani