We are currently unable to update the vulnerability database of our malware scan plug-ins due to the fact that NIST has stopped updating the database.

Delay of CVSS evaluation by NIST

We have released [Free] WordPress: Malware Scan & Security Plug-in [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal], which has a vulnerability scanning function.

The database for this vulnerability checker is based on data from NIST, the most trusted international vulnerability assessment organization.

Delayed CVSS rating of NIST data

CVSS is a measure of vulnerability severity; the higher the score, the more serious the vulnerability.

Currently, NIST’s CVSS rating has not been updated since early February 2024, and we have been unable to register it in our vulnerability database.

However, it is stated that this is a temporary delay, and the following announcement has been made, so we expect that the vulnerabilities will be evaluated sequentially in the near future.

As soon as the NIST database is updated, we will update the vulnerability testing data of our plug-ins.
Thank you for your cooperation.