Here are some ways to test for vulnerabilities in the WordPress mainframe and plugins.

*There is also an easy way to check for vulnerabilities in plugins. The method is described at the end of this page.

Checking for vulnerabilities in the main body of WordPress

First, check the version of WordPress on your site.
You can find the version in the Tools > Site Health > Information tab of the WordPress administration screen.

If you do not have Site Health, you may be running a version of WordPress that was not updated before Site Health was added.
In this case, the best way to be sure is to connect to the server with your FTP software and open wp-includes/version.php to examine the contents.
The program in the file looks like the following, where the string after $wp_version is the version of WordPress.

 * The WordPress version string.
 * Holds the current version number for WordPress core. Used to bust caches
 * Used to bust caches and to enable development mode for scripts when running from the /src directory.
 * @global string $wp_version
 */usr/local string
$wp_version = '4.1';

Next, check the vulnerabilities from the list of WordPress vulnerabilities compared to the above version from the following site.

However, the above site has many very mild vulnerabilities (those that cannot tamper with the site, etc.) mixed in.
The following site shows WordPress vulnerabilities in order of severity. e689a410a354ea4344620d539ee0af70d589380

If you check this site for vulnerabilities with a score of 7.5 or higher and compare it to your version of WordPress, you may be able to avoid the most dangerous vulnerabilities.

Check for Plugin Vulnerabilities

You can check your site’s plugins and their versions in the plugin list in the administration page.

From this plugin name and version, you can specify the plugin name on the WPSCAN website to check for vulnerabilities.

Easy vulnerability testing with plug-ins

Free WordPress:Malware Scan & Security Plugin [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal].

The plugin allows you to examine the most dangerous vulnerabilities with a vulnerability score of 7.5 or higher with a single click.
We hope you will make use of this service.