If you have multiple WordPress sites on multiple domains under a single contract, and it is clear that several of them are infected with malware (tampered with), it may be dangerous to repair them one by one.

Malware that crosses folders between domains

Malware embedding in WordPress sites has recently been increasing in the type of malware that spreads infection to other sites on the server.
(We estimate that 20-30% of these are of this type.)

The reason this is possible is that many rental servers allow multiple domain sites on a single server contract, and all of these sites share a single root folder.

Some highly evolved malware can automatically spread the infection by checking for other site folders on the server each time the site is accessed.

Removing this type of malware one by one is dangerous!

This type of malware is called multi-site spread malware.

If you are infected with a type of malware that automatically spreads malware by recognizing different sites, and you perform disinfection of each site on a server infected with multiple sites, there will be a time delay to work on and disinfect the second site.

During this time, if a site that has already been disinfected is reinfected, that site will now become the primary site for spreading malware.
This makes the malware removal process a weasel-war.

How do I get rid of multi-site spread malware?

It is important to disinfect infected sites on the server with as little time delay as possible.
For this purpose, it is necessary to disinfect all sites locally, and then adapt the infected sites to the server at once without any time lag.

Even if there are no symptoms, hackers may have embedded a file in a particular site that serves as an entry point for hacking, called a backdoor, to spread malware infection, so it is advisable to take the following steps if possible.

1 Identify unused sites on the server and delete the files of those sites from the public folders after backing them up.

2 Back up the other sites, remove the infection locally, and update WordPress and plugins to secure versions to close the vulnerability.

*Or you can migrate the sites that you have removed malware from one by one to another server account.

3 Adapt the data from 2 to the server at once, log in to the administration screen, and use the plug-ins to take security measures, etc.

If it is difficult to work locally, it is also possible to use a plugin to perform malware scanning and disinfection of all sites with as little time delay as possible.
Free WordPress:Malware Scan & Security Plug-in [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal]
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