This section explains how to limit the computers that can log in to the WordPress admin screen by IP.

Limit the IPs that can log in to the WordPress admin panel.

An IP is like an address assigned to every computer connected to the Internet.
Therefore, by limiting the IPs that can log in to the WordPress administration screen, it is possible to greatly increase security by allowing only certain computers to log in.

Step 1: Find out the IP of your computer.

First, find out the IP of your computer.
You can find out the IP by using a site like this one.

Step 2: Create an HTACCESS file

In a text editor, write the following and save it under the name a.htaccess.

Order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
allow from

Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Satisfy any

Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Satisfy any and are IP addresses you want to allow connections from. (If there is only one IP address, you only need to write one line.)

The two lines “Order deny,allow deny from all” means that only the IPs listed below will be allowed to connect.

The lines admin-ajax.php, *.css, etc. are to allow only the communication behind WordPress and the loading of stylesheets, as they may affect the display part of the site.

Step 3 Upload the HTACCESS file with FTP software

Connect to the site’s server with your FTP software and place the above a.htaccess file in the wp-admin folder. This will apply IP address-based connection restrictions to the wp-admin folder, which contains the WordPress administration functions.

Finally, rename a.htaccess to .htaccess and turn it into an executable configuration file.

Notes on IP Address Restrictions

Many providers change the IP address of your PC connection frequently.
For this reason, please be aware that if you are not connected to the Internet with a fixed IP, you will not be able to access the management screen if your IP changes when you follow the above procedure.

To improve WordPress security and to check for malware and vulnerabilities, please try the following plug-ins.
Free WordPress:Malware Scan & Security Plugin [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal]