If you are running a WordPress site with a fixed IP and very few administrative users, restricting IP access to the admin screen can be very secure. Restricting access to the admin panel is very easy with the HTACCESS file.

Restrict access to the WordPress login function to specific IPs only.

If you use FTP software to connect to the WordPress installation directory, you will find a .htaccess file. (If you do not have .htaccess, please refer to this article )

This file is like a server configuration file where you can write various access settings on the server running WordPress.
You can make sure that only IP addresses and can access the login screen by writing the following

<Files wp-login.php>
order deny,allow
Deny from all

allow from
allow from

Files wp-login.php → means about wp-login.php (the program that displays the login screen)
order deny,allow → means to deny access and then allow access
deny from all → means deny all access once
allow from → It means that only the IP address is allowed.

Please replace this IP address with the IP address you want to allow access from.

How do I find out your current IP?

To find out what IP you are using, please visit this site. The IP of your computer you are accessing will be displayed.

To further improve WordPress security, please use the WordPress Doctor Malware Scanning & Security plugin.