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What is the most common vulnerability cross-site scripting in WordPress?

What is the most common vulnerability cross-site scripting in WordPress?

The most common vulnerability in WordPress is called Cross Site Scripting (XSS). We would like to explain about this vulnerability.

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WordPress SiteGuard plugin may erase HTACCESS or cut off the setting in the middle.

WordPress SiteGuard plugin may erase HTACCESS or cut off the setting in the middle.

We have received several inquiries from WordPress Doctor customers about cases of HTACCESS disappearing, settings being cut off in the middle, and 500 errors.

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Regarding the detected unauthorized access list that visualizes attacks on WordPress

Regarding the detected unauthorized access list that visualizes attacks on WordPress

We have received several inquiries about the “Detected Unauthorized Access List” feature of the WordPress Doctor Malware Scanner, so we will explain it here.

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WordPress site defacement hacking for SEO purposes. what is SEO spam?

WordPress site defacement hacking for SEO purposes. what is SEO spam?

The most common type of WordPress tampering these days is the hacking of WordPress sites for SEO purposes. We will explain this SEO spam.

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Motives of Hackers to Tamper with WordPress, Effects of Hacking

Motives of Hackers to Tamper with WordPress, Effects of Hacking

Why do hackers (crackers) hack and tamper with WordPress? We will explain the motives of hackers who tamper with WordPress and the consequences of being hacked.

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WordPress, dealing with spam indexing, where pages you don't remember creating get caught in search results.

WordPress, dealing with spam indexing, where pages you don’t remember creating get caught in search results.

We will explain how to deal with spam indexing, a common symptom of recent WordPress tampering, in which pages that you do not remember creating are caught in the search results.

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How to find JAVASCRIPT Injection in WordPress

How to find JAVASCRIPT Injection in WordPress

If your WordPress site has been hacked and you think you have removed the tampering, but the site still redirects (forcibly) to another site, the malformed JAVASCRIPT code may still be there somewhere.

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How to check individual WordPress plugins for vulnerabilities

How to check individual WordPress plugins for vulnerabilities

It is said that 60% of WordPress hacks are program (theme or plugin) vulnerabilities. We will explain how to check for vulnerabilities in your plugins individually.

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5 characteristics of sites that are subject to WordPress hacking, hijacking, or defacement.

5 characteristics of sites that are subject to WordPress hacking, hijacking, or defacement.

At WordPress Doctor, we perform malware removal and security measures on behalf of more than several hundred sites per year. Based on this experience, we would like to share with you the characteristics of sites that have been hacked, hijacked, or defaced.

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How to Prevent WordPress Site-to-Site Malware Infection

How to Prevent WordPress Site-to-Site Malware Infection

Taking advantage of the convenience of being able to operate multiple domain sites under a single server contract, malware today often analyzes the server folder structure and spreads infection from one site to the folders of other sites (domains).

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Serious Vulnerability in WordPress Jetpack Plugin

Serious Vulnerability in WordPress Jetpack Plugin

A serious vulnerability has been discovered in the Jetpack plugin for WordPress and a version update has been distributed. This section explains how to deal with this vulnerability.

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10 files in which malformed JAVASCRIPT code is embedded when WordPress is tampered with.

10 files in which malformed JAVASCRIPT code is embedded when WordPress is tampered with.

This section describes a file in which redirect hack code is often embedded, which causes a WordPress-created site to jump to another site when accessed (redirect).

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How to limit the computers that can log in to the WordPress admin screen by IP

How to limit the computers that can log in to the WordPress admin screen by IP

This section explains how to limit the computers that can log in to the WordPress admin screen by IP.

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How do I stop process-resident malware in WordPress?

How do I stop process-resident malware in WordPress?

Some of today’s malware is of the type that writes an infinite loop (or delayed process) into the server process and resides there.

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File names commonly seen these days in WordPress malware

File names commonly seen these days in WordPress malware

Here are some common malware (virus) file names that WordPress Doctor has discovered recently.

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PHP programming to prevent SQL injection in WordPress

PHP programming to prevent SQL injection in WordPress

Here is a small PHP programming trick to prevent SQL injection in WordPress.

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Five types of malware embedded in WordPress

Five types of malware embedded in WordPress

Here are some of the types of malware embedded in WordPress that are common these days. If similar code is included in the site’s program, we suspect that WordPress has been hacked and tampered with.

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Is a WordPress site restored from a backup prior to malware infection safe?

Is a WordPress site restored from a backup prior to malware infection safe?

WordPress Doctor received the question, “Is a WordPress site restored from a backup prior to a malware infection safe?” This section explains whether or not a WordPress site restored from a backup prior to a malware infection is safe.

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