Updating (updating) a WordPress site’s plug-ins, theme, or main body will overwrite the code, so it may be difficult to update if you have customized the site in any way. In addition, many sites have been stopped by their creators from updating their sites because of the po
Tag: WordPress plugin Page 10/12
This page explains the cause and how to target a string starting with @include that suddenly appears at the top of wp-config.php or index.php in WordPress.
We would like to introduce a case of WordPress tampering in which the HTACCESS and Index.php files were instantly tampered with again, even after the malware was removed. Tampering that resurfaces even after deleting and deleting This malware is a backdoor that is planted in othe
This section explains how to find out if an IP is a compromised IP that is hacking from the IP’s access log, login log, or server-side access log in the security plugin for a WordPress site.
What is the Malware Scan & Security Plug-in Real-time Block function? WordPress Doctor researches and databases what kind of attacks hackers are launching against WordPress on a daily basis. For example, as of May 2021, the following attacks are the most common attacks that W
1 Back door Vulnerabilities, known as backdoors, allow hackers to install hidden entry points on your site to gain access to your WordPress site through the misuse of server privileges. Once the backdoor is exploited, the hacker can access or rewrite all files on the hosting serv
Recently, there has been an increase in the number of SEO hacks, a type of site tampering that is difficult to recognize as tampering, rather than hacks or tampering that are easy to understand. In this article, we would like to explain how this type of tampering affects sites.
Quote kinsta.com Who is most likely to be targeted in a WordPress hack?
The following is a partial introduction to the highly accurate malware detection mechanism in the [Free] WordPress: Malware Scanning & Security Plug-in [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal] released by WordPress Doctor.
Here is an example of an infected Google Tag Manager with symptoms such as a WordPress site redirecting to another site (clicking a button jumps to a different site).
We understand that many sites have installed various security plug-ins to prevent WordPress hacking, but some plug-ins are specialized for the login screen only. These plug-ins do not provide much protection against WordPress hacking. We will explain why.
Here are some of the most common attack patterns recorded as hacking logs that we detect on a daily basis.
A file-uploadable (most dangerous) vulnerability was discovered in the Contact Form 7 plugin 5.3.1 and below, which is installed in 5 million sites.
Once a WordPress site has been defaced by hackers, embedded malware, or infected with a virus, the site may be repeatedly defaced even after you think you have removed the malware. We will explain how to deal with such cases.
WordPress:Malware Scan & Security Plug-in [Malware and Virus Detection and Removal] has a function to log hacker attacks. We will introduce this feature in this issue.
WordPress is an extremely versatile CMS with over 50,000 free plug-ins that can be used to add functionality to your site. In this article, we will discuss the number and security of plug-ins.
WordPress Doctor is pleased to inform you of the commonly targeted plugin vulnerabilities in WordPress as of November 2020 that we detect on a daily basis.
The File Manager plug-in, which enables file manipulation on the administration screen like FTP software and has been installed on over 700,000 sites, has a very dangerous vulnerability in version 6.9 or lower.